Using combined retrograde labeling and Fos protein immunohistochemistry, we show that after masseter inflammation, a population of neurons in the dorsal portion of the subnuclei interpolaris/caudalis transition zone at the level of the obex was activated and projected to the oval paracentral nucleus (OPC) of the intralaminar thalamic nuclei.
In all three primates, DL/MT(C) had reciprocal connections with the pulvinar and claustrum; received afferents from the locus coeruleus, dorsal raphe, nucleus annularis, central superior nucleus, pontine reticular formation, lateral geniculate nucleus, paracentral nucleus, central medial nucleus, lateral hypothalamus, basal nucleus of the amygdala, and basal nucleus of Meynert/substantia innominata; and sent efferents to the pons, superior colliculus, reticular nucleus, caudate, and putamen.
We examined the occurrence and severity of the Alzheimer's disease (AD)-related cytoskeletal pathology and beta-amyloidosis in the seven intralaminar nuclei (central lateral nucleus, CL; central medial nucleus, CEM; centromedian nucleus, CM; cucullar nucleus, CU; paracentral nucleus, PC; parafascicular nucleus, PF; subparafascicular nucleus, SPF) in 27 autopsy cases at different stages of the cortical neurofibrillary pathology (cortical NFT/NT-stages I-VI) and beta-amyloidosis (cortical phases 1-4).
The anterior group of intralaminar nuclei (central lateral nucleus, paracentral nucleus and central medial nucleus) showed intense staining for both calbindin-D28k and calretinin.
This approach led to an unexpected finding: the three antibodies positively immunostained a population of neurons in the paracentral nucleus.
In the paracentral nucleus, no clear regional preferences are detectable.
Bilateral infusions of NMDA into thalamic mediodorsal nucleus, the intralaminar central lateral/paracentral nucleus, ventroposterolateral, or reticular nucleus of the thalamus in conscious rats, prior to GHB administration suppressed GHB-induced SWD in a dose dependent manner.
Recordings were made in the frontal cortex and in various nuclei of the thalamus, in specific nuclei such as the ventroposterolateral, the ventroposteromedial and the ventrolateral nuclei, as well as in non-specific nuclei such as the mediodorsal nucleus, the reticular thalamic nucleus, the interanteromedial nucleus and the intralaminar nuclei (the central medial nucleus, the centrolateral nucleus and the paracentral nucleus). A wave-concurrent firing pattern was observed in the centrolateral nucleus and the paracentral nucleus.
Kindled subjects in the 24 h group showed reductions in mean [ 35S]TBPS binding in the lateral nucleus of the amygdala (-31%), the infralimbic cortex (-14%), and the paracentral nucleus of the thalamus (-22%). At 28 days, reductions in binding were observed in the infralimbic cortex (-15%) and the paracentral nucleus of the thalamus (-18%).
The dorsal portion of the posteroventral part of the RT pregeniculate sector also projects upon the large-celled part of the lateral central nucleus; its ventral portion projects to the ventromedial nucleus, the posterior part of the paracentral nucleus, the lateral band of the mediodorsal nucleus, and the centromedian nucleus.
AADC-IR neurons were localized in the ventromedial part of the thalamus, lateral posterior complex, paracentral nucleus and lateral dorsal nucleus of the thalamus, medial habenula, parafascicular nucleus, subparafascicular nucleus, and periaqueductal gray.
Area 5 receives a considerable number of fibers from the lateral central, anterior ventral and lateral ventral nuclei, and only a few fibers from the paracentral nucleus. It receives many fibers from the lateral pulvinar nucleus, and a few fibers from the dorsal lateral nuclei, the dorsolateral part of the posterior lateral nucleus and the lateral central and paracentral nucleus.
All injection of MI produced cell labeling in the paracentral nucleus (PC) and the central lateral nucleus (CL) of the intralaminar group.
In both species, labeled cells were also found in the intralaminar nuclei (particularly the paracentral nucleus) and in the dorsal-caudal portion of the claustrum.
Four types of vesicle containing profiles were observed in the inferior pulvinar and paracentral nucleus. The experimental electron microscopic study has shown that many fibers from the superior colliculus terminate as RL profiles, undergoing direct dense degeneration, in both the inferior pulvinar and the paracentral nucleus.
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