Gyri of the cerebral hemisphere*

AG angular gyrus
AMG anterior marginal gyrus
APG anterior precuneal gyrus
ASPG anterior superior parietal gyrus
CG cingular gyrus
CuG cuneal gyrus
DB diagonal band
FG fusiform gyrus
GR gyrus rectus
HFG hippocampo-fusiform gyrus
HG hippocampal gyrus
IFG inferior frontal gyrus
IOG inferior occipital gyrus
IPCG inferior postcentral gyrus
IPrCG inferior precentral gyrus
ITG inferior temporal gyrus
LG lingual gyrus
MFG middle frontal gyrus
MOG medial orbital gyrus
MTG middle temporal gyrus
OPG occipital polar gyrus
OTG occipito-temporal gyrus
PA piriform area
PAG parolfactory gyri
PCG paracentral gyrus
PMG posterior marginal gyrus
POG posterior orbital gyrus
PPG posterior precuneal gyrus
PSG parasplenial gyrus
PSPG posterior superior parietal gyrus
SbCG subcallosal gyrus
SCG subcentral gyrus
SFG superior frontal gyrus
SOG superior occipital gyrus
SPCG superior postcentral gyrus
SPrCG superior precentral gyrus
STG superior temporal gyrus
TPG temporal polar gyrus
Uncus uncus

* Naming of gyri is based upon Papez (Comparative Neurology, 1929), Mettler (Am.J.Phys.Anthropol., 17:309-331, 1933), and Von Bonin and Bailey (The Neocortex of Macaca mulatta, 1947).