Abbreviations used with the  cat

These abbreviations are taken from: Berman, AL (1968) The Brain Stem of the Cat. A Cytoarchitectonic Atlas with Stereotaxic Coordinates and Berman AL, Jones EG (1982) The Thalamus and Basal Telencephalon of the Cat. A Cytoarchitectonic Atlas with Stereotaxic Coordinates, Madison WI, University of Wisconsin Press.

3 oculomotor nucleus
3N oculomotor nerve
4 trochlear nucleus
4N trochlear nerve
4X trochlear decussation
5M motor trigeminal nucleus
5MD motor trigeminal nucleus, dorsal division
5ME mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus
5MET mesencephalic trigeminal tract
5MT motor trigeminal tract
5MV motor trigeminal nucleus, ventral division
5N trigeminal nerve
5P principal sensory trigeminal nucleus
5PD principal sensory trigeminal nucleus, dorsal division
5PV principal sensory trigeminal nucleus, ventral division
5SL laminar spinal trigeminal nucleus
5SL1 laminar spinal trigeminal nucleus, superficial layer
5SL2 laminar spinal trigeminal nucleus, intermediate layer
5SL3 laminar spinal trigeminal nucleus, deep layer
5SM alaminar spinal trigeminal nucleus, magnocellular division
5SP alaminar spinal trigeminal nucleus, parvocellular division
5ST spinal trigeminal tract
6 abducens nucleus
6N abducens nerve
7 facial nucleus
7G genu of the facial nerve
7L facial nucleus, lateral division
7M facial nucleus, medial division
7N facial nerve
8N stato-acoustic nerve
10N vagus nerve
12 hypoglossal nucleus
12L hypoglossal nucleus, lateral division
12M hypoglossal nucleus, medial division
12N hypoglossal nerve
AAA anterior amygdaloid area
ABL basolateral amygdaloid nucleus
ABM basomedial amygdaloid nucleus
AC anterior commissure
ACC nucleus accumbens
ACE central amygdaloid nucleus
ACN nucleus of the anterior commissure
ACOA anterior cortical nucleus of the amygdala
ACOP posterior cortical nucleus of the amygdala
AD anterodorsal nucleus of the thalamus
AF Ammon's formation
AH anterior hypothalamic nucleus
AHY adenohypophysis
AIN intercalated cells of the amygdala
ALA lateral amygdaloid nucleus
AM anteromedial nucleus of the thalamus
AMB nucleus ambiguus
AME medial amygdaloid nucleus
AMG amygdaloid complex
AMH amygdalo-hippocampal area
AOB nucleus of the accessory optic tract, basal division
AOD nucleus of the accessory optic tract, dorsal division
AOL nucleus of the accessory optic tract, lateral division
AOLB accessory olfactory bulb
AOT accessory optic tract
AP area postrema
AQ aqueduct
AV anteroventral nucleus of the thalamus
BC brachium conjunctivum
BCM marginal nucleus of the brachium conjunctivum
BCX decussation of the brachium conjunctivum
BIC brachium of the inferior colliculus
BIN nucleus of the brachium of the inferior colliculus
BP brachium pontis
C cerebral cortex
CA caudate nucleus
CAE nucleus coeruleus
CAM cornu Ammonis
CB cerebellar cortex
CBL lateral cerebellar nucleus
CBM medial cerebellar nucleus
CC corpus callosum
CCC central commissural complex
CD dorsal cochlear nucleus
CD1 dorsal cochlear nucleus, ependymal layer
CD2 dorsal cochlear nucleus, molecular layer
CD3 dorsal cochlear nucleus, pyramidal layer
CD4 dorsal cochlear nucleus, polymorph layer
CE central canal
CGL cochlear granular layer
CHP choroid plexus
CI inferior central nucleus
CL claustrum
CLN central lateral nucleus
CM centre median nucleus
CMN central medial nucleus
CN cochlear nerve
CNF cuneiform nucleus
CS superior central nucleus
CUC cuneate nucleus, caudal division
CUR cuneate nucleus, rostral
CVA anteroventral cochlear nucleus
CVP posteroventral cochlear nucleus
CX external cuneate nucleus
D nucleus of Darkschewitsch
DB nucleus of the diagonal band
DBH nucleus of the diagonal band of Broca, horizontal division
DBV nucleus of the diagonal band of Broca, vertical division
DCH dorsal chiasmatic nucleus
DG dentate gyrus
DH dorsal hypothalamic nucleus
DMH dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus
DMV dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus
DR dorsal nucleus of the raphe
DRL dorsal nucleus of the raphe, lateral division
DRM dorsal nucleus of the raphe, median division
EC external capsule
EN entopeduncular nucleus
ENT entorhinal cortex
ENTL lateral entorhinal area
ENTM medial entorhinal area
EW Edinger-Westphal nucleus
F fornix
FAC fasciola cinerea
FC commissure of the fornix
FF nucleus of the fields of Forel
FI fimbria
FTC central tegmental field
FTG gigantocellular tegmental field
FTL lateral tegmental field
FTM magnocellular tegmental field
FTP paralemniscal tegmental field
GP globus pallidus
GRC gracile nucleus, caudal division
GRR gracile nucleus, rostral division
HAA anterior hypothalamic area
HC habenular commissure
HDA dorsal hypothalamic area
HL lateral habenular nucleus
HLA lateral hypothalamic area
HM medial habenular nucleus
HPA posterior hypothalamic area
IC internal capsule
ICA interstitial nucleus of Cajal
ICC central nucleus of the inferior colliculus
ICO commissure of the inferior colliculi
ICP pericentral nucleus of the inferior colliculus
ICX external nucleus of the inferior colliculus
IF interfascicular nucleus
IFC infracerebellar nucleus
IFT infratrigeminal nucleus
IN nucleus interpositus
INA nucleus interpositus, anterior division
INC nucleus incertus
INF infundibular nucleus
INP nucleus interpositus, posterior division
INT nucleus intercalatus
IO inferior olive
IOD dorsal accessory nucleus of the inferior olive
IOM medial accessory inferior olive
IOMC medial accessory inferior olive, caudal division
IOMR medial accessory inferior olive, rostral division
IOP principal nucleus of the inferior olive
IPA apical interpeduncular nucleus
IPC central interpeduncular nucleus
IPI posterior interpeduncular nucleus, inner division
IPO posterior interpeduncular nucleus, outer division
IPP paramedian interpeduncular nucleus
ISC island of Calleja
ITP nucleus of the inferior thalamic peduncle
IVF interventricular foramen
KF Kolliker-Fuse nucleus
LC central linear nucleus
LCN lateral cervical nucleus
LD lateral dorsal nucleus
LGD dorsal nucleus of the lateral geniculate body
LGI medial interlaminar nucleus
LGL laminar dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus
LGLA lamina A
LGLA1 lamina A1
LGLC laminae C, C1, C2, and C3
LGV ventral lateral geniculate nucleus
LLD dorsal nucleus of the lateral lemniscus
LLV ventral nucleus of the lateral lemniscus
LOT nucleus of the lateral olfactory tract
LOTR lateral olfactory tract
LP lateral posterior complex
LR rostral linear nucleus
LRI lateral reticular nucleus, internal division
LRX lateral reticular nucleus, external division
LV lateral ventricle
M nucleus of Martin
MA anterior mamillary nucleus
MD mediodorsal nucleus of the thalamus
MEL medial lemniscus
MGD dorsal medial geniculate nucleus
MGM magnocellular medial geniculate nucleus
MGP principal medial geniculate nucleus
ML lateral mamillary nucleus
MLB medial longitudinal bundle
MLX decussation f the medial lemniscus
MM medial mamillary nucleus
MP premamillary nucleus
MS supramamillary nucleus
MT mamillothalamic tract
MV medioventral nucleus of the thalamus
NHY neurohypophysis
OAD anterior olfactory nucleus, dorsal division
OAL anterior olfactory nucleus, lateral division
OAM anterior olfactory nucleus, medial division
OAP anterior olfactory nucleus, posterior division
OAV anterior olfactory nucleus, ventral division
OAX anterior olfactory nucleus, external division
OC optic chiasm
OLB olfactory bulb
OLB1 olfactory bulb, layer of olfactory nerve fibers
OLB2 olfactory bulb, glomerular layer
OLB3 olfactory bulb, external plexiform layer
OLB4 olfactory bulb, mitral cell layer
OLB5 olfactory bulb, internal plexiform layer
OLB6 olfactory bulb, granule cell layer
OLB7 olfactory bulb, periventricular layer
OLT olfactory tubercle
OLV olfactory ventricle
ON optic nerve
OR optic radiation
OT optic tract
OTN nucleus of the optic tract
P pyramidal tract
PAC paracentral nucleus
PAG periaqueductal gray
PAH paraventricular nucleus of the thalamus
PAM periamygdaloid area
PARA anterior paraventricular nucleus of the thalamus
PARP posterior paraventricular nucleus of the thalamus
PASB parasubicular cortex
PAT parataenial nucleus
PBG parabigeminal nucleus
PC posterior commissure
PCN nucleus of the posterior commissure
PEG perigeniculate nucleus
PEH periventricular complex of the hypothalamus
PF parafascicular nucleus
PGD pontine gray, dorsolateral division
PGL pontine gray, lateral division
PGM pontine gray, medial division
PGR pontine gray, rostroventral division
PH nucleus praepositus hypoglossi
PIN pineal body
PNR posterior nucleus of Rioch
PO posterior complex
POI posterior complex of the thalamus, intermediate region
POL posterior complex of the thalamus, lateral region
POM posterior complex of the thalamus, medial region
PON preolivary nucleus
PP pes pedunculi
PPR postpyramidal nucleus of the raphe
PR paramedian reticular nucleus
PRPA anterior prepiriform area
PRPP posterior prepiriform area
PSB presubicular cortex
PTA anterior pretectal nucleus
PTM medial pretectal nucleus
PTP posterior pretectal nucleus
PU putamen
PUL pulvinar nucleus
PVH parvocellular hypothalamic nucleus
PX pyramidal decussation
R red nucleus
RB restiform body
RE reticular complex of the thalamus
RF retroflex bundle
RFN retrofacial nucleus
RGL granular layer of the raphe
RH rhomboid nucleus
RM red nucleus, magnocellular division
RP red nucleus, parvocellular division
RR retrorubral nucleus
RT retrotrigeminal nucleus
S solitary tract
SA stria acustica
SAG nucleus sagulum
SB subiculum
SC superior colliculus
SCC commissure of the superior colliculi
SCD superior colliculus, deep layer
SCH suprachiasmatic nucleus
SCI superior colliculus, intermediate layer
SCO subcommissural organ
SCS superior colliculus, superficial layer
SFN septofimbrial nucleus
SFO subfornical organ
SG substantia gelatinosa
SGL subependymal granular layer
SGN suprageniculate nucleus
SI substantia innominata
SL lateral nucleus of the solitary tract
SLN lateral septal nucleus
SM medial nucleus of the solitary tract
SMN medial septal nucleus
SMT stria medullaris thalami
SMX supramamillary decussation
SNC substantia nigra, compact division
SNL substantia nigra, lateral division
SNR substantia nigra, reticular division
SOC supraoptic commissure
SOJ septo-olfactory junction
SOL lateral nucleus of the superior olive
SOM medial nucleus of the superior olive
SON supraoptic nucleus
SPF subparafascicular nucleus
ST nucleus of the stria terminalis
STL nucleus of the stria terminalis, lateral division
STM nucleus of the stria terminalis, medial division
STN triangular septal nucleus
STR stria terminalis
SUB subthalamic nucleus
SUM submedial nucleus
T nucleus of the trapezoid body
TAD accessory dorsal tegmental nucleus
TB trapeziod body
TCA area of the tuber cinereum
TDC dorsal tegmental nucleus, central division
TDP dorsal tegmental nucleus, pericentral division
TM tuberomamillary nucleus
TRC tegmental reticular nucleus, central division
TRP tegmental reticular nucleus, pericentral division
TT taenia tecta
TV ventral tegmental nucleus
TX tegmental decussations
V3 third ventricle
V4 fourth ventricle
VA ventroanterior nucleus
VB ventrobasal complex
VBA ventrobasal complex, arcuate nucleus
VBX ventrobasal complex, external nucleus
VH ventral horn
VIN inferior vestibular nucleus
VL ventrolateral complex
VLD lateral vestibular nucleus, dorsal division
VLV lateral vestibular nucleus, ventral division
VM ventromedial complex of the thalamus
VMB basal ventromedial nucleus of the thalamus
VMH ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus
VMN medial vestibular nucleus
VMP principal ventromedial nucleus of the thalamus
VN vestibular nerve
VSL superior vestibular nucleus, lateral division
VSM superior vestibular nucleus, medial division
VSN superior vestibular nucleus
VTA ventral tegmental area of Tsai
ZI nucleus of the zona incerta