The highest density of projections is found throughout Nucleus vestibularis lateralis.
This area contains the nucleus propositus hypoglossi as well as some vestibular nuclei: the nucleus vestibularis medialis, the Nucleus vestibularis lateralis, and the nucleus vestibularis spinalis.
The Nucleus vestibularis lateralis and the related sagittal zone B were devoid of such projections..
In addition, immunoreactive fibers were detected in the ventral tegmental area, substantia nigra, nucleus parabrachialis lateralis and medialis, Nucleus vestibularis lateralis and medialis, and in some areas of the reticular formation.
Both labelled nucleus spiriformis lateralis and nucleus geniculatus lateralis, pars ventralis especially heavily and also labelled the nucleus habenula medialis; nucleus subpretectalis; nucleus isthmi, pars magnocellularis; nucleus reticularis gigantocellularis; nucleus reticularis lateralis; nucleus tractus solitarii; nucleus vestibularis dorsolateralis; Nucleus vestibularis lateralis; nucleus descendens nervi trigemini; and the deep cerebellar nuclei.
Zone A and Zone B have been arbitrarily defined as the cortical regions projecting, respectively, to the nucleus fastigii (NF) and the Nucleus vestibularis lateralis (NVL).
The synaptology of the primary afferent vestibulocochlear fibers of the frog's Nucleus vestibularis lateralis (NVL), nucleus cochlearis dorsalis (NCD) and nucleus saccularis (NS) was studied with the aid of cobalt labeling technique.
Neuromedin U-like immunoreactive neurons were present in the cranial motor nuclei, reticular nuclei, Nucleus vestibularis lateralis, trigeminal sensory nuclei, colliculus superior and inferior, lemniscus lateralis, nucleus pontis, nucleus ruber, zona incerta, substantia innominata, horizontal limb of the diagonal band and cerebral cortex.
Projections were revealed from some hypothalamic nuclei, centrum medianum, as well as from nucleus parafascicularis and subthalamic nucleus; from zone incerta, field of Forel, nucleus medialis habenulae; from reticular formation of the pons, medulla oblongata and midbrain, central gray matter, colliculus superior, nucleus interstitialis Cajal; from contralateral red nucleus, nucleus fastigii and facial nucleus; from Nucleus vestibularis lateralis (pars dorsalis) and nucleus vestibularis medialis as well as from ventral horn of the spinal cord cervical segments.
Structures of the vestibular and auditory systems which contain some ChAT-positive cells include the Nucleus vestibularis lateralis, and the nuclei olivaris superioris medialis and lateralis.
We have also demonstrated a more extensive network of calcitonin gene-related peptide-like immunoreactive fibers distributed in various areas throughout the rat brain than has been reported previously such as the colliculus inferior, nucleus olivaris superior, Nucleus vestibularis lateralis and inferioris, and nucleus cochlearis dorsalis and ventralis, etc..
Bilateral descending spinal pathways originate from the reticular nuclei of the rhombencephalon, Nucleus vestibularis lateralis, nucl.
The nucleus vestibularis medialis, Nucleus vestibularis lateralis and nucleus cochlearis dorsalis exhibit activity of high order, which indicates that the auditory system in the animal is quite active.
However there are regions such as cerebellar nuclei, cerebellar hemisphere, caudal medial forebrain bundle, zone incerta, Nucleus vestibularis lateralis where the acetylcholine content is relatively much higher than the ChAc activity, and regions such as n.cochleares, n.motor n.V., N.motor N.VII., n.motor, n.XII where ChAc activity was high and the content of acetylcholine is relatively low..
Spontaneous unitary discharges in Nucleus vestibularis lateralis (NVL) neurons were studied in locally anesthetized cats.
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