In particular, the olfactory region, the lateral and medial pallium, the Nucleus lateralis septi, the ventral striatum, the caudal region of the anterior preoptic area, the suprachiasmatic nucleus, the ventral thalamus, tori semicircularis and ependymal layers of the tectum were immunostained.
These groups consisted of animals with electrolytic lesions of the nucleus medialis septi, with lesions of Nucleus lateralis septi or with sham lesions.
Stimulation of Nucleus lateralis septi was found to evoke mainly the development of activation reaction, while stimulation of globus pallidum caused primarily the development of training reactions.
The response was not significantly altered following bilateral thermocoagulations of the striatum (restricted lesions), globus pallidus, nucleus interstitialis of the striae terminalis, amygdala, Nucleus lateralis septi or nucleus accumbens..
The following regions showed increased radioactivity following the avoidance task: nucleus ventralis thalami of the pars medialis and lateralis thalami, corpus striatum, nucleus periventricularis hypothalami, paraflocculus, stratum lacuno-moleculare, and Nucleus lateralis septi.
The CA terminals are mainly concentrated within nucleus accumbens septi and in the ventrolateral portion of Nucleus lateralis septi where they surround intimately the non-fluorescent neuronal somata of both septal nuclei.
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