AIM: The paralysis of the ramus marginalis mandibulae Nervus Facialis may occur in Hemifacial Microsomia (HM); the combination of both HM and palsy contributes to an elongation of the mandibular body.
In eight patients the extirpation of the tumor compromised the rami temporales of the Nervus Facialis and caused postoperative asymmetry of the facial mimicking.
Regarding to this that the parases of the Nervus Facialis are often in the physician practice, we have written this article with aim to facilitate to the physicians in the practice the early establishing of the diagnosis, and also to give the instructions into the basic physical and rehabilitation procedures which is with success to carry out in patients with the damages of this nerve..
A slightly higher complication rate is evident in the patient group treated with the sub-SMAS face lift technique, mainly referring to temporary asthenia of the Nervus Facialis, which regressed in all cases after 7 months.
The colliculus is a landmark for the Nervus Facialis, oculomotor nuclei, and the paramedian pontine reticular formation. The fibers of the Nervus Facialis come as close as 0.2 mm to the surface of the fourth ventricle.
We report a case of familial congenital paresis of ramus marginalis Nervus Facialis in 5 generations.
jugulohyoideus is innervated with the ramus jugulohyoideus from the Nervus Facialis; (3) the os stylohyoideum and the os tympanohyoideum exist on the lateral surface of the bulla tympanica in the mouse, hamster and rat, and (4) four kinds of muscle (m.
More caudally, a small number of catecholamine neurons were scattered in the area medial to the Nervus Facialis and adjacent to the nucleus facialis and the nucleus olivaris superior.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS).
Cranial nerve damage could not be avoided in 21 cases (nervus recurrens, 7; nervus glossopharyngeus, 16; and Nervus Facialis, 4) but disappeared clinically within a 1- to 6-month period in all but two.
The symptoms were those of a paralysis of the Nervus Facialis and a dysfunction of the nervus vestibulocochlearis.
The statistical analysis of the clinical and electrophysiological results shows a significantly higher improvement for the isaxonine group, both in quality and speed of recovery of the Nervus Facialis functions.
There were found some anastomosis among the terminal branches of the Ramus pharyngeus dorsalis of this nerve and those of the Nervus Facialis, which, though in the fine caliber of branches, probably could be considered as prototype of the JACOBSON's anastomosis encountered in other vertebrates.
In order to exclude deficiency symptoms of the Nervus Facialis a computer-tomography of the parotis is indicated in neurological and otological cases of doubt for a direct demonstration of the deep tissue part with processus parapharyngeus.
The literature on electrophysiological techniques used so far for the prognostication of idiopathic facial palsies contains reports on 31 patients with idiopathic facial palsy, in whom - after electric stimulation of the Nervus Facialis at the point where it exits from the foramen stylomastoideum - the amplitude of the compound muscle action potential of the M.
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