We therefore examined the time course of spine density changes in two areas of the zebra finch forebrain, which have been shown previously to be either involved in sexual imprinting (LNH, lateral part of the neo-hyperstriatum) or to react to environmental changes (ANC, archi-Neostriatum caudale).
There was a significant difference between experimental groups in the number of [ 3H]-labeled neurons in Neostriatum caudale (NC), high vocal center (HVC) and Area X, three forebrain regions that are involved in vocal communication.
Two other imprinting-related areas, the medial neo/hyperstriatum ventrale (MNH) and archistriatum/Neostriatum caudale (ANC), do show c-fos induction; however, the areas are not congruous with those demarcated by the 2-DG autoradiographic studies.
These are the hyperstriatum accessorium/dorsale (HAD), the archi-Neostriatum caudale (ANC), the medial neo/hyperstriatum (MNH) and the lateral neo/hyperstriatum (LNH).
Thalamic gating was recorded using electrodes which were chronically implanted into the nucleus ovoidalis thalami and the Neostriatum caudale (field L), respectively.
A part of the archistriatum intermedium and the lateral part of the Neostriatum caudale also received somewhat minor projections.
The lateral part of the hyperstriatum ventrale sent a few efferent fibres toward the diencephalon and brainstem, but projected massively to the ectostriatum periphericum, neostriatum intermedium pars laterale, the ventral part of the Neostriatum caudale and the archistriatum dorsale.
Using a multiple regression analysis in which structure-specific lesion extents are correlated with different postoperative behavioral measures, the specific contribution of the relevant structures were differentiated from the neighbouring areas CDL (area corticoidea dorsolateralis) and NC (Neostriatum caudale).
During the first year of life, however, Neostriatum caudale and hyperstriatum, the regions known to be essential for proper integration of sensory cues and reproductive behavior, contained more new neurons than any other brain regions.
Furthermore, there are reciprocal intratelencephalic connections between distinct parts of the Neostriatum caudale and the mediorostral neostriatum.
The efferent projections of each of the three major parts of NB were mainly to the adjacent neostriatum frontale (NF), which then provided projections to the lobus parolfactorius (exclusive of area X), the lateral archistriatum intermedium (Ail), and the lateral Neostriatum caudale (NCl).
Both nuclei were found to have a major terminal field in the medial part of the ipsilateral neostriatum intermedium (NI), known as nucleus interfacialis (NIf) in songbirds, and a minor terminal field in the roof of the Neostriatum caudale (NC).
We examined the changes of spine density in Golgi preparations of two different areas of the forebrain of the zebra finch, the ANC (Archi-Neostriatum caudale) and MNH (medial Neo-Hyperstriatum) during development, after transferring male birds from isolation to a social condition (exposure to a female for 1 week), and after a second isolation period.
An area of the caudal forebrain of male zebra finches, the Archi-Neostriatum caudale (ANC), which is active during arousal (Bischof & Herrmann, 1986, 1988), shows rearing-dependent changes in neuron morphology (Rollenhagen & Bischof, 1991).
The morphology of ANC (Archi-Neostriatum caudale) neurons in zebra finches is affected by arousal and rearing conditions.
dorsale (HD] and one in the caudal telencephalon (Neostriatum caudale (NC), neostriatum intermedium (NI) and hyperstriatum ventrale (HV].
A caudal area comprises the medial aspects of two different cell layers: the neostriatum intermedium (NI) and adjacent Neostriatum caudale (NC) as well as the overlying hyperstriatum ventrale (HV).
Evoked potentials of telencephalic structures were studied after stimulation of the bill, quintofrontal tract (QF), and several telencephalic structures (nucleus basalis [ Bas], neostriatum frontale [ NF], paleostriatum augmentatum [ PA], and Neostriatum caudale [ NC]).
This region (neostriatum frontale, pars trigeminale: NFT) gives rise to the fronto-archistriate tract which terminates both in the archistriatum intermedium and in the overlying Neostriatum caudale, medial to the ventricle (Neostriatum caudale, pars trigeminale: NCT).
The majority of the somatic responses were localised in the paleostriatum augmentatum, the neostriatum and the Neostriatum caudale. Stimulation of the bill and the head elicited responses in tractus quinto-frontalis, paleostriatum augmentatum, neostriatum and Neostriatum caudale while activation from the body were mainly localised in Neostriatum caudale and paleostriatum augmentatum.
Mechanical-sounding contact-type calls were elicited from sites in the central Neostriatum caudale and paleostriatum primitivum.
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