In the lower brainstem, fibers ended in the Griseum Pontis, medial and lateral parabrachial nuclei, lateral pontine and medullary reticular formation, paramedian and dorsal reticular nuclei, solitary tract nucleus and principal as well as spinal trigeminal nuclei.
In the brainstem, staining was particularly prominent in the substantia nigra pars reticulata and compacta, the central gray substance, the superior colliculus, and the cuneiform nucleus, and staining was moderate in the tegmenti pedonculopontinus nucleus and the Griseum Pontis.
In the lower brain-stem, fibres ended in the Griseum Pontis, dorsolateral reticular formation, principal and spinal trigeminal nucleus and, sparsely, in the lateral parabrachial region, solitary tract nucleus, inferior olive and magnocellular reticular formation.
The Griseum Pontis and the nucleus corporis pontobulbaris contained very high (> 60 fmol/mg wet tissue) and high concentrations of somatostatin binding sites, respectively, while the other relay nuclei contained low to moderate levels of binding.
By midgestation, muscarinic cholinergic receptor binding is already present and regionally distributed, with the highest binding levels in the interpeduncular nucleus, inferior colliculus, Griseum Pontis, nucleus of the solitary tract, motor cranial nerve nuclei, and reticular formation. Binding levels remain essentially constant in the inferior olive and Griseum Pontis. Around the time of birth or shortly thereafter, the relative distribution of binding becomes similar to that in the adult, with the highest levels in the interpeduncular nucleus and Griseum Pontis, although binding levels are higher overall in the infant.
principal inferior olive, Griseum Pontis, inferior colliculus and reticular core). In the Griseum Pontis, binding decreased 60% between the fetal and mature periods.
In contrast, there was essentially no change in [ 3H]nicotine binding in the major cerebellar-relay nuclei (principal inferior olive and Griseum Pontis) between the same time-points.
The neuropathologic study of a 7-month-old female patient affected by familial erythrophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (FEL) reveals three main features: (1) a lymphohistiocytic leptomeningitis with erythrophagocytosis; (2) perivascular lymphohistiocytic cuffs in the cerebral and cerebellar white matter and, to a lesser extent, in the thalamus, the reticular formation of the brain stem and the Griseum Pontis; (3) perifocal gliosis and demyelination, especially in the cerebellar white matter.
In the control animals the nucleus caudatus putamen, globus pallidus, hippocampus, nuclei of amygdala, nuclei hypothalami, substantia grisea centralis, Griseum Pontis, nucleus trapezoideus, nucleus prepositus hypoglossi, nucleus parabrachialis, nucleus vestibularis, nucleus nervi hypoglossi, nucleus dorsalis nervi vagi, nucleus olivaris and nucleus centralis superior are found to be very rich in ATPase.
First, there are targets of a major ipsilateral descending pathway which include: the dorsal cap of Kooy of the inferior olivary complex, the dorsolateral and dorsomedial regions of the Griseum Pontis, the mesencephalic reticular formation which lies immediately dorsal and lateral to the red nucleus, the medial terminal nucleus and the superficial layers of the superior colliculus.
Following an autoradiographical study on the projections from the feline sensorimotor cortex (representation of the limbs) to the brain stem, new projections to nucleus pretectalis posterior, the coerulear nuclei, nuclei corporis pontobulbares, nucleus intertrigeminalis, nucleus f, x and z of the vestibular nuclear complex, nucleus parvocellularis compactus, nucleus parasolitarius, nuclei insulae cuneati laterales, the nuclei of the raphé, nucleus reticularis lateralis and nucleus fastigii were found besides the well known projections to the tectal nuclei, the reticular formation, nucleus ruber, Griseum Pontis, the sensory trigeminal nuclei and the dorsal column nuclei.
subthalamicus, pretectal area, colliculus superior and Griseum Pontis as well as the ipsi- and contralateral n.
pulvinaris medialis, Griseum Pontis, nucl.
The children died at the respective ages of 4, 5 8/12 and 8 years and this allows interesting morphological comparisons: 1 degree there is an increasingly severe loss of cortical neurons, of Purkinje cells and of neurons in the Griseum Pontis with age.
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