Lateral Septal Nucleus

The main terminal fields for septal afferents lie in the lateral septal nucleus and the belt of medial septal nucleus.  

Relative to saline treatment, neonatal OT treatment induced to males a significant decrease of Fos expression in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST), the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (PVN) and the mediodorsal thalamic nucleus (MD) as well as a significant increase in the medial preoptic area (MPOA), the dorsal part of the lateral septal nucleus (LSD) and the central amygdaloid nucleus (CeA).  

In contrast, serotonergic fibers, projecting from the raphe, sprout and have increased terminal density in the lateral septal nucleus and frontal cortex, following long-term cocaine or SSRI treatment.  

Nicotine-induced effects on dopamine in the dorsal and ventral hippocampus (VH), prefrontal and medial temporal cortex, and superior cerebral peduncle were lower in the young than in adult, the same in the ventral tegmental area (VTA) and lateral septal nucleus (LS), and somewhat higher in the nucleus accumbens shell (NAccS).  

Compared to the sham and control cage groups, rats exposed to a GSM signal at 6 W/Kg showed decreased CO activity in some areas of the prefrontal and frontal cortex (infralimbic cortex, prelimbic cortex, primary motor cortex, secondary motor cortex, anterior cingulate cortex areas 1 and 2 (Cg1 and Cg2)), the septum (dorsal and ventral parts of the lateral septal nucleus), the hippocampus (dorsal field CA1, CA2 and CA3 of the hippocampus and dental gyrus) and the posterior cortex (retrosplenial agranular cortex, primary and secondary visual cortex, perirhinal cortex and lateral entorhinal cortex).  

Furthermore, the anticataleptic dose of 8-OH-DPAT showed a regionally specific reduction of haloperidol-induced Fos expression in the dorsolateral striatum (dlST) and the core region of the nucleus accumbens (AcC), without affecting that in the medial prefrontal cortex, the shell region of the nucleus accumbens or the lateral septal nucleus.  

These effects may be based on changes in neural activities of relevant brain regions including the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST), lateral septal nucleus (LS), medial preoptic area (MPOA), the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus (PVN), supraoptic nucleus (SON), mediodorsal thalamic nucleus (MD), ventromedial nucleus of hypothalamic (VMH), the medial amygdala (MeA) and central amygdala (CeA)..  

Extra-hippocampal neuronal damage was generally limited in extent and restricted to the lateral septal nucleus, injected amygdala and select regions of neocortex ipsilateral to the seizure elicitation side.  

Other fibers entered the diagonal band of Broca and formed a dense plexus of labeled fibers in the dorsal half of the intermediate portion of the lateral septal nucleus and the septohippocampal nucleus.  

Nevertheless, animals treated with L-NAME at 200 nmol into the lateral ventricle (LV), basolateral amygdala (BLA), dorsolateral periaqueductal gray (dlPAG) matter, lateral septal nucleus (LSN), but not in the bed nucleus of stria terminalis (BNST), displayed impaired AVOID2 in comparison to the control group.  

Disinhibition of the DMH resulted in dramatic increases in local Fos expression and also increased the numbers of Fos-positive neurons in the lateral septal nucleus and in both the parvocellular and magnocellular subdivisions of the paraventricular nucleus, with greater increases ipsilateral to the injection site in the DMH.  

P2X7-positive neurons were found in the anterior olfactory nucleus, cerebral cortex, piriform cortex (Pir), lateral septal nucleus (LS), hippocampal pyramidal cell layers of CA1, CA3, CA4, pontine nuclei, external cuneate nucleus, and medial vestibular nucleus.  

Alterations in serotonin receptor expression in limbic system region such as the nucleus accumbens, hippocampus and lateral septal nucleus as well as the striatum may represent the specific regional targets that mediate the clinical effects of antipsychotics via the serotonin system..  

For B(2) receptors ([ (125)I]HPP-Hoe-140, 200pM, 90min, 25 degrees C), a significant increase in density of binding sites was observed in optical tract (2.04+/-0.08fmol/mg), basal nucleus of Meynert (1.84+/-0.18fmol/mg), lateral septal nucleus - dorsal and intermediary portions (1.66+/-0.29fmol/mg), internal capsule (1.74+/-0.19fmol/mg) and habenular nuclei (1.68+/-0.11fmol/mg).  

Moreover, a moderate but distinct GIP immunoreactivity was observed in the cerebral cortex, amygdala, substantia nigra, and lateral septal nucleus as well as in several nuclei in the thalamus, hypothalamus, and brainstem.  

TIP39 and the PTH2R are abundant in medial prefrontal, insular, and ectorhinal cortices, the lateral septal nucleus, the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, the fundus striati, the amygdala, the ventral subiculum, the hypothalamus, midline and intralaminar thalamic nuclei, the medial geniculate body, the periaqueductal gray, the ventral tegmental area, the superior and inferior colliculi, the parabrachial nuclei, the locus coeruleus, subcoeruleus and periolivary areas, and the nucleus of the solitary tract.  

We also demonstrated that although amygdaloid input was not as extensive as inputs from other limbic structures such as the medial prefrontal cortex or the lateral habenular nucleus, it was comparable to input from the lateral septal nucleus.  

However, there was no increase in astroglial Hsp27-immunoreactivity in the caudate putamen, lateral septal nucleus, or anterior hypothalamus.  

The lateral septal nucleus receives a diffuse dopaminergic input originating from the ventral tegmental area of the brain stem. We examined whether dopamine (DA) modulates synaptic transmission in the slice preparation of the rat dorsolateral septal nucleus (DLSN).  

Both sensitized and nonsensitized mice showed higher D4 binding densities than saline-treated controls in the posterior caudate-putamen and the olfactory tubercle (p < .02), but only sensitized mice presented higher D4 binding than controls at the lateral septal nucleus (p < .02).  

Since allopregnanolone reduces the total time of immobility in rats submitted to the forced swimming test, we decided to explore whether this neuroactive steroid shares other antidepressant-like actions, such as increasing the neuronal firing rate in the lateral septal nucleus (LSN).  

In the lateral septal nucleus, NPY mRNA levels significantly decreased in the olanzapine group (-66%, p<0.05), a trend toward a decrease was observed in the clozapine group, and no change was found in the haloperidol treated group.  

In both the intra-ventricular and intra-cortical groups only rAAV1-EGFP was expressed in many structures around the lateral ventricle, such as hippocampus, lateral septal nucleus, and striate body, and around the injection sites in cortex, and diffused to the callus in a small amount; and rAAV2 and rAAV5 were not expressed.  

NRAGE was also expressed in areas of the basal forebrain that did not express p75(NTR), including the lateral septal nucleus and the nucleus accumbens.  

D4 receptor mRNA expression in the ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus (VMH) and the ventral part of the lateral septal nucleus were also significantly higher in the cDIO mice compared to the cDR and LF mice (+31% and +60%; P < 0.05).  

iKEPI-positive cell bodies lie in the nucleus accumbens, striatum, lateral septal nucleus, granular layer of dentate gyrus, interpeduncular nucleus, dorsal root ganglia and cerebellar vermis.  

They were also found from the rostral to the caudal part of the ARC, paraventricular nucleus (PVH), stria terminalis (BST), medial preoptic area (MPA), and lateral septal nucleus (LSV).  

Thus, at 10 mg/kg (i.p.), SPD induced Fos expression in the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC), nucleus accumbens (NAc), and lateral septal nucleus (LSN) without significantly affecting the dorsolateral striatum (DLSt).  

A smaller subset of regions affected in adults showed significantly less metabolic activity in the newborn brains, including paraventricular hypothalamus, habenula, hippocampus, subiculum, lateral septal nucleus, anterior cingulate cortex, infralimbic cortex, and medial orbitofrontal cortex.  

TMT presentation, especially with amounts (> or =75 micromol) producing endocrine activation, induced c-fos mRNA in several brain areas, including the olfactory bulb, lateral septal nucleus, septohypothalamic nucleus, anteromedial and oval nuclei of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, the central nucleus of the amygdala, the anteroventral, anterodorsal, and medial preoptic nuclei, the anterior, dorsomedial, lateral, supramammillary, dorsal premammillary and paraventricular hypothalamic nuclei, the external lateral parabrachial nucleus, the locus coeruleus, and the nucleus of the solitary tract.  

Studies on cats anesthetized with a mixture of Nembutal and chloralose were performed to study the descending influences of single, paired, and frequent stimulation of the lateral septal nucleus (LSN) and bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST) on the activity of viscerosensory neurons in the solitary tract nucleus, identified by stimulation of the cervical part of the vagus nerve.  

The subsequent axonal transport of Mn(2+) highlighted the principal extrinsic projections from the posterior hippocampal formation via the fimbria and the precommissural fornix to the dorsal part of the lateral septal nucleus.  

In rats and mice, expression was observed in the lateral septal nucleus, nucleus accumbens, medial preoptic area, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, lateral hypothalamus, central amygdaloid nucleus and the subicilum.  

The LH mice showed significantly lower c-Fos-like immunoreactivity (FLI) in the hippocampus dentate gyrus and the lateral septal nucleus, and higher FLI in the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus compared with the naive mice. Our finding in the mice LH model supported previous studies in rats showing that the lateral septal nucleus and the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus are important in LH behaviors.  

Together, these nuclei project topographically back to the medial amygdalar nucleus, to the adjacent lateral septal nucleus, to the nucleus accumbens and substantia innominata, to hypothalamic parts of the behavior control column, and to the hypothalamic periventricular region, which controls patterned neuroendocrine and autonomic responses.  

Intracerebroventricular administration of ethylcholine aziridinium (AF64A) caused cholinergic damage in the septum, and glial lesions in the lateral septal nucleus and in the lateral zones of the hippocampus.  

The mGlu1 receptor is also present in variable degree in the dorsal lateral septal nucleus, amygdala, interpeduncular nucleus and median raphe nucleus.  

The systemic or local administration of diverse antidepressants increases the neuronal firing rate of the lateral septal nucleus (LSN), whereas some stressful situations decrease its firing rate; however, any long-lasting effect exerted by the forced swimming (FS) test (15-min pretest and 5-min test 24 h later) on the firing rate of the LSN is unknown.  

The mice on high-fat diets had higher levels of AgRP mRNA expression in the bed nucleus of stria terminalis (BST), and ventral part of the lateral septal nucleus (LSV) than the LF mice.  

At the same time, there was downregulation of CGRP-like immunoreactivity in both lateral septal nucleus and central nucleus of amygdala tested by immunohistochemical methods, whereas no significant changes were observed in arcuate nucleus of hypothalamus and periaqueductal gray after morphine treatment in rats.  

(2) Some CSF contacting glia cells were observed in the lateral septal nucleus (LS).  

At 38.5 degrees C, Fos-positive neurons further increased in the regions mentioned above and appeared in the lateral septal nucleus, medial preoptic area, lateral hypothalamic area and zona incerta, which were thought to be involved in thermoregulation and/or fluid regulation, and the paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus, supraoptic nucleus and supraoptic nucleus in the retrochiasmatic part, which were known to be involved in neuroendocrine effector systems.  

Substantial numbers of FG/cFos double-labeled cells were found in forebrain regions, including the preoptic area, lateral septal nucleus, ventral subiculum, and supramammillary nucleus, and in brainstem regions, including the lateral parabrachial nucleus, periaqeductal gray, and ventrolateral medulla.  

The nucleus accumbens (NAcc) function is related to locomotor activity, while the lateral septal nucleus (LSN) is related to the motivational aspects of behavior.  

Fibers containing both RFRP-1 and RFRP-3 were widely distributed in the brain: the lateral septal nucleus in the telencephalon, the paraventricular thalamic nucleus, various hypothalamic nuclei, the periaqueductal gray in the midbrain, the parabrachial nucleus in the pons, and the nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS) in the medulla oblongata.  

In the E2-treated group compared with the OVX group, the number of ER-beta mRNA-containing cells was significantly reduced in the external plexiform layer of the olfactory bulb, entorhinal cortex, intermediate part of the lateral septal nucleus, nucleus of the horizontal limb of the diagonal band, amygdala (lateral, medial and basolateral part), thalamus (anteroventral, laterodorsal and lateral posterior part), medial geniculate nucleus, suprachiasmatic nucleus and Purkinje cells in the cerebellum.  

The highest densities were observed in lateral septal nucleus, median preoptic nucleus, dentate gyrus, amygdala, spinal trigeminal nucleus, mediovestibular nucleus, inferior cerebellar peduncles, and in most of cortical regions (0.81-1.4 fmol/mg tissue).  

Using optical recording methods in the rat lateral septal nucleus (LSN) slice, we examined the question of whether antecedent hypoglycemia protects neurons from the adverse effects of subsequent hypoglycemic stimuli.  

To determine whether these regional differences were due to differences in the effect of ethanol on postsynaptic NMDA or GABAA receptors, we examined the effect of ethanol on NMDA- and GABA-gated currents from neurons acutely dissociated from the lateral septal nucleus, substantia nigra, thalamus, hippocampus, and cerebellum.  

Our mapping study revealed a dissociation between a set of brain structures (extended amygdala, lateral septal nucleus, basolateral amygdala and field CA1 of the hippocampus) which exhibited c-fos mRNA dose-dependent variations from the lowest naloxone doses, and many other structures (dopaminergic and noradrenergic nuclei, motor striatal areas, hypothalamic nuclei and periaqueductal grey) which were less sensitive and recruited only by the higher doses. Altogether, these results emphasize that limbic structures of the extended amygdala along with the lateral septal nucleus, the basolateral amygdala and CA1 could specifically mediate the negative motivational component of opiate withdrawal..  

We found numerous instances in which enkephalinergic neuronal elements appeared to contact cGnRH I perikarya and axons in and around the diagonal band of Broca, the bed nucleus of the pallial commissure and in the lateral septal nucleus.  

We have reinvestigated the anatomy of the area considered the most neurogenic in the adult brain, the SEL of the lateral ventricle, in zones adjacent to the caudate putamen, corpus callosum, and lateral septal nucleus.  

The lateral septal nucleus (LS) presents a dense plexus of fibers containing substance P (SP), which is known to induce pronounced anxiogenic-like effects when applied into this brain site.  

In addition to these hypothalamic areas, AVP and OT may be found to a lesser extent in some other brain areas, such as the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, diagonal band of Broca, nucleus basalis of Meynert, lateral septal nucleus, globus pallidus and the anterior amygdaloid nucleus, as well as in the peripheral tissues.  

The findings show a biphasic regulation of MR mRNA levels in the medial septal nucleus with substantial increases after 4 h (79% increase) followed by substantial decreases in MR mRNA levels after 24 h (71% decrease), whereas no changes in MR mRNA levels were observed in the lateral septal nucleus.  

An increase glucose metabolism was also found in the follows: the medial and lateral septal nucleus, substantia nigra, hippocampus, frontal cortex, parietal cortex, piriform cortex, entorhinal cortex, accumbens nucleus, ventral and lateral nucleus of the thalamus, amygdala, and ventral nucleus of hypothalamus.  

Nevertheless, some sexually dimorphic regions have been identified, including the lateral septal nucleus in the hypothalamus and the spinal nucleus of the bulbocavernosus and dorsolateral nucleus in the spinal cord, but interestingly not the cremasteric nucleus, which is dimorphic in eutherians.  

The anatomic locations of beta-galactosidase-positive neurons in the brains of ICP0 and ICP27 reporter transgenic mice were similar and included cerebral cortex, lateral septal nucleus, cingulum, hippocampus, thalamus, amygdala, and vestibular nucleus.  

Retrograde and anterograde tracing showed moderate or heavy inputs to the VLPO from hypothalamic regions including the median preoptic nucleus, lateral hypothalamic area, and dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus (DMH), autonomic regions including the infralimbic cortex and parabrachial nucleus, and limbic regions including the lateral septal nucleus and ventral subiculum.  

Immobilization stress increased the number of neurons with Fos immunoreactivity, mainly in the ventral zone of the rostral part of the lateral septal nucleus (LSV) in rats.  

The administration of a relatively high dose of antidepressant drugs produces an increased neuronal firing rate of the lateral septal nucleus (LSN) in the rat and a decreased immobility in rats forced to swim.  

PHAL analysis of the rat amygdala indicates that a majority of its cell groups project topographically (a) to hypothalamic behavior systems via direct inputs, and (b) to partly overlapping sets of hypothalamic behavior control systems through inputs to ventral hippocampal functional domains that in turn project to the medial hypothalamus directly, and by way of the lateral septal nucleus.  

There was a significant increase of the area occupied by microglial cells in the anterior and posterior hypothalamus and in the lateral septal nucleus.  

Scattered double-labeled fibers were present in the lateral septal nucleus, ventromedial preoptic nucleus, lateral hypothalamus, perifornical area and in the periventricular region at the diencephalon/midbrain junction.  

High frequency stimulation (two 100-Hz 1-s trains with a 20-s interval between them) of the hippocampal CA3 area resulted in a transient depolarization in rat lateral septal nucleus neurons. These data suggest that high frequency stimulation of hippocampal CA3 neurons enhances the efficacy of GABAergic inhibitory circuits which, in turn, depress the ability of lateral septal nucleus neurons to express long-term potentiation..  

After chronic treatment, however, the drug induced a significant increase in FLI in the BNST (ventrolateral and medial parts), lateral septal nucleus (LSN, dorsal part), dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN), and locus coeruleus in restrained group.  

Therefore, to examine mGluR3-selective distribution, we used mGluR2-deficient mice as well as wild-type mice.Strong immunoreactivity for mGluR3 was found in the cerebral cortex, striatum, dentate gyrus of the hippocampus, olfactory tubercle, lateral septal nucleus, lateral and basolateral amygdaloid nuclei, and nucleus of the lateral olfactory tract.  

[ (14)C]deoxyglucose autoradiographic study demonstrated increased local cerebral glucose metabolism in the medial and lateral septal nucleus, substantia nigra, hippocampus, parietal cortex, piriform cortex, medial and lateral geniculate nucleus, anterodorsal, lateral and ventral nucleus of the thalamus, amygdala and midbrain reticular formation.  

After electrical stimulation of the fimbrial pathway, optical signals first occurred at the caudal region of lateral septal nucleus (LSN), then propagated toward the rostral region of LSN.  

Light projections end in the olfactory tubercle, lateral septal nucleus, posterior basolateral amygdalar nucleus, supramammillary nucleus, and nucleus of the solitary tract.  

Activation of astrocytes in the nucleus accumbens and lateral septal nucleus was manifested in hyperplasia and elongation of astrocyte processes.  

Neurons labeled for mu receptor-immunoreactivity (-ir) were observed in the lateral septal nucleus (LS), medial septum (MS), anterior division of the stria terminalis (BSTa), median preoptic nucleus (MEPO), medial preoptic nucleus (MPN), parastrial nucleus (PS), anterior hypothalamic periventricular nucleus (PVa), and lateral hypothalamic area (LPO).  

Injections were made into the anteroventral thalamic nucleus, the medial mammillary nucleus, the nucleus accumbens, and the lateral septal nucleus.  

Inhibition of behavioral signs of naloxone-precipitated morphine withdrawal was accompanied by significantly reduced c-fos expression in the locus coeruleus, lateral septal nucleus, ventral part of the periaqueductal grey, cingulate and frontal cortices, and septohippocampal nucleus.  

In rats at postnatal day 49, six rTMS sessions induced widespread nuclear c-Fos-like immunoreactivity in frontal cortex, lateral orbital cortex, striatum, lateral septal nucleus, piriform cortex, dentate gyrus, Ammon's horn, cingulate cortex, parietal cortex, thalamus, occipital cortex, and amygdala; this reactivity was greater than with two sessions of rTMS or sham rTMS.  

PCP (5 mg/kg, subcutaneously, s.c.) induced Fos expression in the cingulate cortex area 3, the agranular insular cortex, the piriform cortex, the nucleus accumbens, the anterior paraventricular thalamic nucleus and the ventral lateral septal nucleus.  

Some OX42-immunoreactive cells were also seen in the lateral septal nucleus. In contrast, dexamethasone failed to induce apoptosis in the lateral septal nucleus at doses up to 20mg/kg.  

In the ventral part of the lateral septal nucleus, the labeled neurons were significantly fewer in the experimental animals compared to the control group.  

Dense staining of GALP-containing fibers was found in the anterior parvicellular part of the paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus, in the ventral part of the lateral septal nucleus, and in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis.  

Perikarya labelled with MGOP antiserum were also found scattered in the cortex, caudate putamen, amygdala and lateral septal nucleus.  

Responsive neurons displaying Type 2 corticotropin-releasing factor receptor message were seen reliably only in the lateral septal nucleus.These findings support only a limited capacity of the ligand inhibitor to activate neurons bearing corticotropin-releasing factor receptors.  

Major neuronal sites of CRF-R2 expression included aspects of the olfactory bulb, lateral septal nucleus, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus, medial and posterior cortical nuclei of the amygdala, ventral hippocampus, mesencephalic raphe nuclei, and novel localizations in the nucleus of the solitary tract and area postrema.  

Ex vivo autoradiograms of rat brain sections (120 min after iv injection of [ (125)I]ADAM) showed intense labeling in several regions (olfactory tubercle, lateral septal nucleus, hypothalamic and thalamic nuclei, globus pallidus, central gray, superior colliculus, substantia nigra, interpeduncular nucleus, dorsal and median raphes, and locus coerulus), which parallel known SERT density.  

In addition, substantial telencephalic inputs to the nucleus seem to arise from the infralimbic and prelimbic areas, and the lateral septal nucleus.  

Areas with densely packed GRP-ir clusters of varicosities were the medial intermediate hyperstriatum ventrale and lateral septal nucleus; dense GRP-ir neuropil was found in the parolfactory lobe, and in the dorsal half of the intermediate and caudal archistriatum.  

Staining for HRP appeared in the periventricular area adjacent to medial side of the lateral ventricle as well as in BBB-free areas, in the lateral septal nucleus, in the medial portion of the hippocampus and in the dorsal portion of the thalamus. In addition, they indicate that blood-borne macromolecules can also invade the areas adjacent to the ventricles such as the lateral septal nucleus, the medial portion of the hippocampus and the dorsal portion of the thalamus..  

Neuronal activity of the lateral septal nucleus (LSN) is related to motivational and hedonic behavior.  

Altered c-Fos expression as a consequence of OFQ injection was observed in the nucleus of the solitary tract, paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus, supraoptic nucleus, central nucleus of amygdala, lateral septal nucleus and lateral habenular nucleus.  

Neither CRF nor urocortin induced Fos expression in the lateral septal nucleus, Edinger-Westphal nucleus, dorsal raphe nucleus, locus coeruleus, or hypoglossal nucleus.  

The turtle also displayed scattered FMRFa-ir somata in the anterior olfactory nucleus, striatum, lateral septal nucleus, medial and lateral cortex, medial forebrain bundle, lateral preoptic area, and lateral geniculate nucleus.  

After the swimming, DNs were detected in the hippocampus (CA1-2 pyramidal cell layer, oriens layer), somatosensory cortex, entorhinal cortex, hypothalamus, habenular nucleus, amygdaloid nucleus, striatum, accumbens and sometimes in lateral septal nucleus.  

The lateral septal nucleus is known to modulate aversive reactions and to receive a strikingly dense substance P (SP) innervation. In the present study, after determining the optimal intracerebroventricular dose (10 pmol) to induce aversive responses, we applied SP directly into the lateral septal nucleus, and quantified anxiogenic responses using the elevated plus-maze (EPM) test. Overall, the present results support the idea that SP may have an important modulatory role on anxiogenic responses mediated by the lateral septal nucleus..  

Extensive decreases in the densities of 5-HT-immunoreactive fibers were detected in the lateral septal nucleus, the thalamus, the medial mammillary nucleus, the dorsal and the median raphe nuclei, the raphe obscurus nucleus, the tegmental area, the cerebellum and the vestibular nucleus, though only a small decrease was detected in the inferior colliculus.  

Although neither the EW nor LSO are known to project to the forebrain, UCN-ir neurons in the EW were identified that project to the lateral septal nucleus, which houses a prominent UCN-ir terminal field.  

It was induced in the extensive regions of cerebral cortex, medial striatum, and distant areas such as the ipsilateral lateral septal nucleus, bilateral hippocampal formation and contralateral amygdala following MCA occlusion.  

At days 6 and 7 PRV-infected neurons were observed in the amygdala, lateral septal nucleus, hippocampus, and frontal motor, piriform, and perirhinal cortices.  

injection of [ (125)I]IDAM) showed intense labeling in several regions (olfactory tubercle, lateral septal nucleus, hypothalamic and thalamic nuclei, globus pallidus, central gray, superior colliculus, substantia nigra, interpeduncular nucleus, dorsal and median raphes and locus coeruleus), which parallel known SERT density.  

High densities of 15R-[ 3H]TIC binding sites were shown in the dorsal part of the lateral septal nucleus, thalamic nuclei, limbic structures, and some of the cortical regions.  

Galanin-immunoreactive fibres were found mainly in the paleostriatum primitivum , the medial part of the parolfactory lobe (LPO) and the lateral septal nucleus; galanin may interfere with acetylcholine activity.  

Thus, we have shown that the nucleus receives substantial inputs from the prefrontal cortex, specific domains of the rostral part of the lateral septal nucleus, rostral zona incerta, perifornical region, anterior hypothalamic nucleus, ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus, dorsal premammillary nucleus, medial regions of the intermediate and deep layers of the superior colliculus, and cuneiform nucleus.  

Estrogen-labeled neurons were also present in the lateral septal nucleus, a system that receives hippocampal inputs and projects to the neurotrophin-sensitive medial septum.  

However, in the lateral septal nucleus, helpless animals showed significantly reduced FLI in response to stress, compared to the other groups.  

Dense fiber bundles are also visible in the paraventricular, dorsomedial, and posterior nuclei in the hypothalamus, in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, and in the lateral septal nucleus of the septal region.  

The effects of sex steroid hormones on serotonin and its metabolite, 5-hydroxyindole-3-acetic acid (5-HIAA) in the lateral septal nucleus (LS), the medial preoptic area (MPA) and the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus (VMH) of female rats were investigated, using immunohistochemistry and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC).  

To this end, BALB/c mice received a dose of 5 ng/50 nl of morphine sulfate, via a stainless steel injection cannula, inserted into either the medial septal area (MS) or the lateral septal nucleus (LS), when they are close to the end of one of the two choice arms of a Y-maze (acquisition period).  

However, the number of Fos-positive neurons was significantly less in the rats with cold exposure than without cold exposure as infants, particularly in the hypothalamic nuclei such as the lateral septal nucleus (LS), preoptic area (POA), parvocellular paraventricular nucleus (pPVN0, ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus (VMH) and supramammillary nucleus (SuM).  

Here we demonstrate that septal neurons located in an area bordering the medial and lateral septal nucleus project back to the supramammillary nucleus, and most of these cells contain calretinin, calbindin or both.  

The fimbria-fornix transection paradigm has been used as a model of retrograde neurodegeneration within the medial septal nucleus and anterograde degeneration of axon terminals within the lateral septal nucleus. Because the maintenance and survival of neurons may depend on the integrity of both efferents and afferents, the ultrastructure of neurons in the medial septal nucleus and dorsolateral septal nucleus was analysed at three, seven, 14, 30 days, and six months following unilateral transection of the fimbria-fornix in adult rats. In contrast, the cytoplasmic rarefaction and vacuolation of neuronal cell bodies were persistent in both the medial septal nucleus and the dorsolateral septal nucleus.  

The lateral septal nucleus (LSN) is the largest septal nucleus and occupies one of the most strategically important positions in the forebrain, connecting the structures of the limbic system with different sites of the brain stem.  

We have reported that characteristic sham-rage seizures were observed in cats, by administering a local injection of kainic acid (KA) into the lateral septal nucleus (LSN).  

No positive Ggama3 immunoreactivity was observed in the lateral habenula, lateral septal nucleus, or Purkinje cells.  

A striking difference between rats and humans was observed for 3H-8-OH-DPAT binding in the lateral septal nucleus, which was densely labeled in the rat but weakly labeled in humans.  

Similarly, in the nucleus accumbens (NAc) and lateral septal nucleus (LSN), the majority of clozapine-induced FLI neurons express D3 receptor mRNA (NAc 69%; LS 73%).  

In contrast, the TH-positive fibres forming basket-like arrangements around some neurons in the dorsal lateral septal nucleus co-expressed also CR, but not CALB. CR-containing TH-immunoreactive basket-like axon terminations in the dorsal lateral septal nucleus are likely to originate either from mesencephalic nuclei or from the supramammillary region..  

Telencephalic inputs arise mainly in the ventral subiculum, infralimbic area of the prefrontal cortex, lateral septal nucleus, and bed nuclei of the stria terminalis.  

Quantifiable levels of mRNA encoding the alpha 2 subunit were found in nucleus accumbens, amygdala, cortical regions, lateral septal nucleus, hippocampus, medial habenula and ventral pallidum of both strains. Specifically, [ 3H]SR95531 binding was higher in the occipital cortex, hippocampus, lateral septal nucleus, superior colliculus and ventral pallidum of the FH rats compared to WKY rats; however, in the nucleus accumbens [ 3H]SR95531 binding was lower in FH compared to WKY.  

In parturient rats, a significant number of Fos-positive neurons was observed as compared to virgin or pregnant females in the following brain regions; the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BST), lateral septal nucleus (LS), medial preoptic area (MPA), periventricular hypothalamic nucleus (Pe), parvocellular paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus (PaPVN), magnocellular paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus (MaPVN), supraoptic nucleus (SON), paraventricular thalamic nucleus (PV), anterior hypothalamic area (AHA), lateral hypothalamic area (LH), amygdaloid nucleus (AM), supramammillary nucleus (SuM), substantia nigra (SN), central grey (CG), microcellular tegmental nucleus (MiTg), subparafascicular thalamic nucleus (SPF), posterior hypothalamic area (PH), dorsal raphe nucleus (DR), locus coeruleus (LC), dorsal parabrachial nucleus (DPB), nucleus of solitary tract (Sol), and ventrolateral medulla (VLM).  

In addition, hippocampal field CA3 projects selectively to the caudal part of the lateral septal nucleus, which occupies topologically lateral regions of the transverse sheets, whereas field CA1 and the subiculum project selectively to the rostral and ventral parts of the lateral septal nucleus, which occupy topologically medial regions of the transverse sheets. and Swanson, L.W., Chemoarchitecture of the rat lateral septal nucleus, Brain Res. Hypothalamic nuclei forming parts of behavior-specific subsystems share bidirectional connections with specific subdivisions of the lateral septal nucleus (especially the rostral part), suggesting that specific domains in the hippocampus may influence specific hypothalamic behavioral systems. In contrast, the caudal part of the lateral septal nucleus projects to the lateral hypothalamus and to the supramammillary nucleus, which projects back to the hippocampus and receives its major inputs from brainstem cell groups thought to regulate behavioral state.  

The distribution of neurons and terminal fields that contain a variety of neurotransmitters and steroid hormone receptors has been examined with in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry in closely spaced series of sections throughout the rostrocaudal extent of the rat lateral septal nucleus, as well as the adjacent septohippocampal and septofimbrial nuclei. The results indicate that the lateral septal nucleus is divided into major rostral, caudal, and ventral parts that differ from the widely used cytoarchitectonic parcellation into dorsal, intermediate, and ventral parts.  

The CRF2 receptor subtype was shown to be localized to the lateral septal nucleus, entorhinal cortex, and to amygdaloid and hypothalamic regions.  

Comparison of 11 brain regions demonstrated a 9.3-fold range in the quantity of single cell GAD mRNA with levels being highest in the amygdala and the diagonal band of Broca, moderate in the piriform cortex, caudate nucleus, substantia innominata, globus pallidus, cingulate cortex and medial septal nucleus, and lowest in the lateral septal nucleus and the medial preoptic nucleus (MPN).  

Autoradiographic analysis of rat brain showed that specific [ 3H]NGD 94-1 binding was greatest in entorhinal cortex, lateral septal nucleus, hippocampus and the medial preoptic area of the hypothalamus. Specific, high-affinity [ 3H]NGD 94-1 binding was also present in several human brain regions, including hippocampus, hypothalamus, dorsal medial thalamus, entorhinal cortex, prefrontal cortex and lateral septal nucleus.  

The results of anterograde transport experiments indicate that the AVPV sends ascending projections to the ventral part of the lateral septal nucleus, the parastrial nucleus, and the region adjacent to the vascular organ of the lamina terminalis (OVLT) that contains a subpopulation of gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH)-containing neurons.  

Clozapine increased the number of Fos-like immunoreactive cells in the lateral septal nucleus and the diagonal band nucleus, but YM-43611, nemonapride, and haloperidol did not.  

CGS 21680 (5 mg/kg) stimulated c-fos expression also in the lateral septal nucleus and dorso-medial striatum, but not in the dorso-lateral striatum.  

In the forebrain, they were present in the olfactory bulb, nucleus of the lateral olfactory tract, olfactory tubercle, lateral septal nucleus, amygdala, hippocampus, neocortex, caudate-putamen, thalamus and median eminence of the hypothalamus.  

Neurons in the lateral septal nucleus and the medial amygdaloid nucleus, which have numerous Fos-stained nuclei after stressors such as footshock or restraint, did not show Fos staining above control levels after LPS administration.  

Microinjection of AVP into the medial preoptic-anterior hypothalamus (MPOA-AH), lateral septal nucleus (LS), bed nucleus of stria terminalis (BNST), and periaqueductal gray (PAG) stimulates an intense bout of flank marking.  

The investigation of the lateral septal nucleus (LSN) destruction participation in biorhythmological processes of the morphofunctional condition of the female genital apparatus of female rats was made in the experiments of juvenile female rats, i.e.  

Heavy binding was observed in only a few areas of the brain in adults, including the dorsal part of the lateral septal nucleus, the suprachiasmatic nucleus, the dorsal and median raphe, the nucleus of the solitary tract, and the caudal part of the spinal trigeminal nucleus.  

The hippocampo-spinal pathway relayed by the lateral septal nucleus and, then, by the lateral hypothalamic area to terminate in the intermedio-lateral cell column of the spinal cord was considered to be most concerned with anisocoria caused by HF lesions..  

Following injection of [ 3H]D-aspartate into the SCN, neurons were retrogradely labeled in the infralimbic cortex, the lateral septal nucleus, the paraventricular thalamic nucleus, the medial preoptic area, the ventromedial, dorsomedial and posterior hypothalamic nuclei, the zona incerta, the intergeniculate leaflet and the ventral subiculum.  

Extremely dense networks of neurotensin-containing fibers were found in the pallial commissure, the lateral septal nucleus, the preoptic area, the periventricular gray around the third ventricle, the dorsalis hypothalamic area, the hypothalamic nuclei, the parabrachial nucleus, the locus ceruleus, and the dorsal vagal complex.  

In the lateral septal nucleus, GABAergic neuronal activity was significantly increased in the afternoon of proestrus compared with the morning.  

The expression was also intense in the piriform, cingulate, and retrosplenial cortices, pyramidal cells in CA2, non-pyramidal cells in CA1-CA3, neuronal cells in the hilus of the dentate gyrus, lateral septal nucleus, intercalated amygdaloid nucleus, anterodorsal thalamic nucleus, most of the midline and intralaminar thalamic nuclei, many regions of the hypothalamus, dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus nerve, hypoglossal nucleus, and lateral reticular nucleus.  

In the caudate putamen, nucleus accumbens and lateral septal nucleus signals were detectable after administration of doses > or = 1 mg/kg.  

In addition to the confirmation of our previous studies showing increases of mRNA in the hippocampus and amygdaloid complex, there were also remarkable increases of the neuropsin mRNA in the limbic areas, such as the accessory olfactory nucleus, the medial and lateral septal nucleus, the nucleus of diagonal band, the substantia innominata and the zona incerta.  

In an orthogonal analysis, upward-oriented flight thresholds were significantly correlated with medial activation extending anteriorly to the lateral septal nucleus, dorsally to the thalamic paraventricular-parataenial region, and posteriorly to the periaqueductal gray..  

It is concluded that neurones in the rat dorso-lateral septal nucleus express conventional GABAB receptors, which are involved in the generation of slow inhibitory postsynaptic potentials.  

Microinjection of AVP into the medial preoptic-anterior hypothalamus (MPOA-AH), lateral septal nucleus (LS), bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST), and the periaqueductal gray (PAG) stimulates high levels of flank marking.  

Chronic haloperidol administration did not enhance the deltaFos-like immunoreactivity in the prefrontal cortex and lateral septal nucleus. Repeated administration of clozapine (20 mg/kg/day) and ICI 204,636 (20 mg/kg/day) for 19 days elevated deltaFosB-like immunoreactivity not only in the ventral striatum but also in the prefrontal cortex and lateral septal nucleus. These results suggest that a preferential action on limbic structures such as the prefrontal cortex, ventral striatum and lateral septal nucleus may account for the ability of chronic clozapine and ICI 204, 636 administration to reduce the symptoms of schizophrenia without generating extrapyramidal side effects..  

Dorsolateral injections gave rise to projections innervating the rostralmost extension of the HP, a laminar complex including the dorsal and ventral hyperstriata and the lamina frontalis superior, the rostral lobus parolfactorius, the medial and ventral paleostriatal regions, the lateral septal nucleus, the nucleus of the diagonal band, the dorsolateral corticoid area, the archistriatum posterius, and the nucleus taeniae in the telencephalon.  

In bullfrogs, early limb-bud-stage tadpoles had AVT-immunoreactive neurons and nerve fibers in the lateral septal nucleus, amygdala, preoptic hypothalamus, suprachiasmatic nucleus, and posterodorsal tegmentum.  

[ 3H]Isocarbacyclin binding was high in the thalamus, lateral septal nucleus, hippocampus, cerebral cortex, striatum, and dorsal cochlear nucleus.  

The lateral septal nucleus also had intense Lyn-positive neurons with overlapping dendritic fields.  

In the present study, we examined the ability of olanzapine to increase the number of Fos-like immunoreactive neurons in the striatum, nucleus accumbens, lateral septal nucleus, and prefrontal cortex. Olanzapine (5, 10 mg/kg) produced dose-dependent increases in the number of Fos-positive neurons in the nucleus accumbens and lateral septal nucleus, important components of the limbic system that may mediate some of the therapeutic actions of neuroleptics.  

CR16 RNA was detected by in situ hybridization in neuron-rich layers of the hippocampal formation, layers II, III and VI of the cerebral cortex, thalamus, ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, lateral septal nucleus, nucleus accumbens, olfactory bulb, inferior colliculus, pons and inferior olive.  

In toluene-exposed rats, increases in both number and intensity of TH-immunoreactive fibres and terminals were observed in most parts of the forebrain including the cerebral cortex, hippocampus, lateral septal nucleus and hypothalamus, compared with control rats.  

The middle cingulate cortex receives fibers only from the ipsilateral dorsal part of the lateral septal nucleus in addition from the ipsi- and contralateral anterior and posterior portions of the cingulate cortex.  

A gender-dependent sensitivity to early lateral septal nucleus lesions and to antidepressants are concluded..  

To a lesser degree, a decrease was also detected in the lateral septal nucleus.  

Fewer numbers of neurotensin-positive neurons with projections to the lateral hypothalamic area were observed in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, lateral septal nucleus, medial preoptic area, peri- and paraventricular nuclei of the hypothalamus, anterior lateral hypothalamic area and dorsal raphe nucleus.  

Such were the mitral and tufted cells of the olfactory bulb; anterior olfactory nucleus; neocortical regions; cingulate cortex; retrosplenial cortex; piriform cortex; perirhinal cortex; CA1; CA3; granule cells of the dentate gyrus; superficial layers of the subicular cortex; deep layers of the entorhinal, parasubicular, and presubicular cortices; ventral part of the lateral septal nucleus; septohippocampal nucleus; triangular septal nucleus; nuclei of the diagonal band; bed nucleus of the stria terminalis; ventral pallidum; claustrum; amygdaloid nuclei other than the intercalated nuclei; preoptic region; hypothalamic nuclei other than the medial mammillary nucleus; ventral lateral geniculate nucleus; locus coeruleus; Purkinje cells; many nuclei of the lower brainstem other than the superior colliculus, periaqueductal gray, interpeduncular nucleus, pontine nuclei, and dorsal cochlear nucleus; and dorsal horn of the spinal cord.  

The highest levels of CRF2 receptor mRNA in brain were evident within the lateral septal nucleus, the ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus and the choroid plexus.  

CR-immunoreactivity was co-expressed in alpha 1 subunit-immunopositive cells of the ventral lateral septal nucleus and only exceptionally in the ventral pallidum, where the vast majority of CR-positive cells was monolabelled.  

The first group was where a significant number of Fos-positive cells were seen 3 h and 24 h after cold exposure, but not observed 14 days after exposure; the regions included the lateral septal nucleus (LS), parvocellular paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus (pPVN), posterior hypothalamic area (PH), supramammillary nucleus (SuM), locus coeruleus (LC), dorsal tegmental nucleus (DTg), vestibular nucleus (Ves), and nucleus of solitary tract (Sol).  

ICV injection of vehicle alone induced a weak c-fos mRNA expression in the lateral septal nucleus (LSV) and PVN in the rats without restraint, probably due to the mild stress of ICV injection.  

NPY-LI structures were also observed in the metathalamic intergeniculate leaflet and in a variety of telencephalic structures including the cerebral cortex, caudate nucleus putamen, lateral septal nucleus, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis and amygdala..  

Given the different affinities of quinpirole and 7-OH-DPAT for D2, D3 and D4 receptors, these data suggest that clozapine-induced increases in c-fos expression in the nucleus accumbens, major island of Cajella and lateral septal nucleus are due to antagonist actions of this antipsychotic at D3 dopamine receptors.  

In the limbic system, the major targets were the lateral septal nucleus, bed nucleus of stria terminalis and certain subnuclei in the amygdala.  

Results of experimental investigations of the effect of the epiphysectomy and brain lateral septal nucleus (LSN) destruction on the morphofunctional conditions of the genital system of juvenile female white rats kept under different illumination conditions are described.  

Labeled cells were detected in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, paraventricular nucleus of the thalamus, lateral septal nucleus, and medial amygdaloid nucleus.  

Among the structures showing the most dramatic increases in fear-induced c-fos expression were the cingulate, piriform, infralimbic, and retrosplenial cortices, the anterior olfactory nucleus, claustrum, endopiriform nucleus, nucleus accumbens shell, lateral septal nucleus, various amygdalar nuclei, paraventricular thalamic nucleus, ventral lateral geniculate nucleus, the ventromedial, lateral, and dorsal hypothalamic nuclei, the ventral tegmental area, and the supramammillary area.  

Other regions of the forebrain exhibiting dense serotoninergic innervation were: olfactory cortex; olfactory tubercle; subiculum; lateral septal nucleus; stratum; medial and basal amygdaloid nuclei.  

A dramatic induction of c-fos messenger RNA was observed in numerous neo- and allocortical regions, the lateral septal nucleus, the hypothalamic paraventricular and dorsomedial nuclei, the anterior hypothalamic area, the lateral portion of the retrochiasmatic area, the medial and cortical amygdaloid nuclei, the periaqueductal gray, and the locus coeruleus; however, a prominent induction of c-fos was also seen in numerous additional subcortical and brainstem regions.  

When rats were exposed to cold ambient, significant number of Fos-positive neurons was found in the lateral septal nucleus (LS), preoptic hypothalamic area (POA), parvocellular paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus (pPVN), lateral preoptic area (LPO), zona incerta (ZI), paraventricular thalamic nucleus (PV), ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus (VMH), subparafascicular thalamic nucleus (SPF), posterior hypothalamic area (PH), supramammillary nucleus (SuM), microcellular tegmental nucleus (MiTg), lateral lemniscus nucleus (LL), lateral dorsal central grey (CGLD), lateral ventral central grey (CGLV), dorsal parabrachial nucleus (DPB), locus coeruleus (LC), dorsal tegmental nucleus (DTg), vestibular nucleus (Ves), nucleus of solitary tract (Sol), spinal cord, and cerebellum.  

In the telencephalon, most labelled cells were present in the medial pallium, ventral lateral pallium, lateral amygdala, and lateral septal nucleus.  

Immunoreactive nerve fibers were observed in the main and accessory olfactory bulbs, olfactory tubercle, prelimbic area, anterior cingulate cortex, neostriatum, accumbens, lateral septal nucleus, lateral habenular nucleus, and superior colliculus.  

Clozapine and haloperidol produce different induction patterns of c-fos expression in the forebrain, with haloperidol increasing Fos-like immunoreactivity (FLI) in the striatum, nucleus accumbens, lateral septal nucleus and clozapine producing such effects in the nucleus accumbens, prefrontal cortex and lateral septal nucleus. We therefore examined the effects of 17 compounds considered to be either typical, or atypical, antipsychotics on FLI in the prefrontal cortex, medial and dorsolateral striatum, nucleus accumbens and the lateral septal nucleus. Likewise, the ability of all of the compounds, except for risperidone, to enhance FLI in the lateral septal nucleus suggests that this limbic region also may be an important locus of antipsychotic action.  

Efferent projections of the lateral septal nucleus (LS) to the preoptic area and the hypothalamus were identified in 20 female guinea pigs after iontophoretic injection of the anterograde axonal tracer Fluoro-Ruby.  

The immunoreactive cells were also found in the central amygdaloid nucleus and the lateral septal nucleus, and in the ventral pallidum, after the 14th day of postnatal life (P14) and 30th day (P30), respectively.  

site of injection, such as the caudate nucleus, lateral septal nucleus, corpus callosum and hippocampal CA3 medial lamellae, as well as 14 other individual structures, displayed moderate-to-intense levels of metabolic activation after endothelin.  

1) A large ascending pathway ends densely in the telencephalon, particularly in the lateral septal nucleus.  

In the subcortical forebrain, the lateral septal nucleus, anterolateral area of the bed nuclei of stria terminalis, medial preoptic nucleus, medial and central amygdaloid nuclei, caudal lateral hypothalamic area, supramammillary nucleus, and parvicellular division of the paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus constitute other newly identified sources of collateral projection.  

To determine if it affects mating through its connections with the ventral part of the lateral septal nucleus (LSv), the caudal part of the medial bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (caudal BSTm), or the medial amygdala-amygdalohippocampal area (MA-AHi), these connections were severed.  

Medial cuts also labeled more cells in the ventral part of the lateral septal nucleus, the encapsulated part of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, the medial nucleus of the amygdala, the amygdalohippocampal area, and the ventral premammillary nucleus than lateral cuts did.  

Retrogradely labeled enkephalin-ir neurons were concentrated in two locations: the ventral part of the lateral septal nucleus and the lateral anterior nucleus within the AHA.  

lateral septal nucleus) and white matter structures. In the caudate nucleus and lateral septal nucleus ipsilateral to injection, SNAP elicited a bipolar metabolic pattern of low glucose metabolism proximal to the ventricle with higher values occurring more distally.  

We analyzed the electrophysiological and behavioral features of seizures induced by an injection of kainic acid into the lateral septal nucleus of the cat. Stereotactic surgery was performed to implant a cannula into the lateral septal nucleus to make the injection, and deep electrodes were implanted into the hippocampus and amygdala bilaterally. The electroencephalogram revealed that the spike discharges started in the lateral septal nucleus, extended to the ipsilateral hippocampus and amygdala, then propagated to the contralateral side. The electroencephalogram showed synchronization of rhythmic spikes in the ipsilateral septal nucleus, hippocampus and amygdala during such seizures.  

After P14, a third group of AROM-I neurons emerged in the lateral septal nucleus, the oval nucleus of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, and the central amygdaloid nucleus.  

c-Fos immunoreactivity was most prominent in the hippocampal formation, lateral septal nucleus, olfactory bulb, area postrema and the nucleus of the solitary tract. Domoic acid caused extensive degeneration in CA1-2 of the hippocampus, lateral septal nucleus and olfactory bulb.  

However, a marked reduction in met-enkephalin immunostaining in the central amygdaloid nuclei and the globus pallidus was measured, with a parallel elevation in the lateral septal nucleus and the parietal cortex.  

Fibres from the attack area formed specialized "pericellular baskets" in the dorsolateral aspect of the intermediate part of the lateral septal nucleus.  

Differential induction of IEGs by HAL and CLOZ was also observed in the lateral septal nucleus and the islands of Calleja complex of the rat brain.  

However, very high levels were also seen in many other brain regions, as the retrosplenial, piriform and entorhinal cortex, anterior olfactory nucleus, lateral septal nucleus, subthalamic nucleus, amygdala, subiculum and ventral part of CA3, lateral habenula, substantia nigra pars compacta, several brainstem nuclei and the whole grey matter of the spinal cord.  

The experiments on the juvenile female rats were carried out to show the response of the hypothalamo-hypophysial-ovary system (HHOS) of rats to different light-dark conditions (L:D = 14:10, LL and DD) after damage of the lateral septal nucleus (LSN).  

However, in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis and the lateral septal nucleus, castration decreased vasopressin immunoreactivity in either sex.  

In the present studies, each of the melanocortin peptides alpha-MSH, des-acetyl-alpha-MSH, beta-MSH and ACTH1-24 when present at 1 microM virtually eliminated [ 125I]NDP-MSH binding in each of a series of brain structures, including medial preoptic area, caudate putamen, olfactory tubercle, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, ventral part of the lateral septal nucleus, hypothalamic periventricular and paraventricular nuclei, dorsal anterior amygdaloid area, substantia innominata and thalamic paraventricular nucleus; as well as in extraorbital lacrimal gland, a peripheral melanocortin target.  

Saturable [ 125I]GIP binding sites were expressed in several brain regions including cerebral cortex, anterior olfactory nucleus, lateral septal nucleus, subiculum, inferior colliculus, and inferior olive.  

Perineuronal nets were found in more than 100 brain regions, such as neocortex, hippocampus, piriform cortex, basal forebrain complex, dorsal lateral septal nucleus, lateral hypothalamic area, reticular thalamic nucleus, zona incerta, deep parts of superior and inferior colliculus, red nucleus, substantia nigra, some tegmental nuclei, cerebellar nuclei, dorsal raphe and cuneiform nuclei, central gray, trochlear nucleus, pontine and medullar reticular nuclei, superior olivary nucleus and vestibular nuclei.  

The mSDA projects more heavily than the lSDA to many of their forebrain targets including the ventral part of the lateral septal nucleus, the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, the medial tuberal area, and the anteroventral periventricular, arcuate, ventromedial and ventral premammillary nuclei of the hypothalamus.  

VIP dramatically increased the cAMP content of the lateral septal nucleus, several hypothalamic nuclei, the habenula, the midbrain central gray and the locus coeruleus.  

Fibres immunoreactive for neuropeptide FF were located in the lateral septal nucleus, amygdala, different hypothalamic areas, nucleus of the solitary tract, ventral medulla, trigeminal complex and the dorsal horn of the spinal cord.  

One of the most pronounced effects produced by swim stress was an increase in 2-DG uptake and induction of Fos-LI in a restricted region of the lateral septal nucleus.  

Fibres from the grooming area clustered in the ventral part of the lateral septal nucleus, while fibres from surrounding hypothalamic loci innervated other parts of that brain area.  

In the telencephalon, immunoreactive perikarya were observed in the preoptic area, in the lateral septal nucleus and in the hippocampus.  

Centrally administered CRF rapidly (30-60 min) induced c-fos mRNA expression in most of the areas that showed hybridization signals for c-fos after stress: the limbic structures, including the piriform cortex, cingulate cortex, the lateral septal nucleus, the hippocampus, the anterior corticomedial and the medial amygdaloid nuclei, the hypothalamic nuclei, such as the paraventricular nucleus, the supraoptic nucleus (SO) and the dorsomedial nucleus (DMD), and some brainstem nuclei like the pontine nucleus, the locus ceruleus (LC) and Barrington's nucleus.  

The mRNA for the type IV metabotropic glutamate receptor (mGluR4) is most prominently expressed in cerebellar granule cells, the olfactory system, the lateral septal nucleus, and most thalamic nuclei, but lower amount of the mRNA is found in many different brain regions.  

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